Sacred Medicine

Matyox - Mayan Cacao

Ceremonialist Apprenticeship

October 12th - January 23rd, 2024-2025

By the end of this 15 week apprenticeship you will be able to confidently facilitate your own Mayan Cacao Ceremonies and weave this way of facilitation to any healer modality you are working with or will be working in a future.

What will you come out with from this training?

A Ceremony is not a performance. You weave your energy into it and pray. You become a ceremony, you connect with the three worlds, you start seeing through the darkness, through the invisible side.


the Path of Your Soul

through Ancient Maya Medicine

  • You will learn the tools how to find the ceremony which lives inside your heart and you will be able to confidently facilitate the ceremony on your own, in your unique way.
  • You will heal unhealed parts of your soul so that you can shine your light bright and be in true service.
  • You will go through a personal transformational journey and will open up fully to your true authenticity.
  • You will connect to your authentic power and start owning it with confidence.
  • You will learn the power of Ceremony and remember that we are masters of living energy.
  • On completion of the course, you will receive the Mayan Cacao Ceremonialist Certificate.
  • You will start embodying high frequency of abundance and will be ready to create wealth.

Who is this program for?

  • We welcome everyone to join
  • This program is fantastic for Lightworkers, circle holders, healers, yogis, yoga teachers, sound healers, holistic therapists, circle holders, conscious coaches, visioners, medicine women or men who have been called to bring their true gifts forward and be the Lightworkers on this Planet Earth.
  • This work is perfect for those who want to take the full Ceremonialist path and for those that are already facilitating and holding space of cacao, yoga, meditation, reiki, circles, practitioners, or any modality. 
  • It is for you if you want to serve authentic cacao ceremonies and live from your heart.
  • It is for you if you want to bring your Sacred work to another level in both ways: personal transformations and professional expansion.
  • It is for you if you want to find and start walking your true Soul’s Path.
  • It is for you if you want to connect to your soul through ancient Maya wisdom.

What is a Sacred Medicine Mayan Cacao Ceremony?

Hello family and welcome to the Sacred Medicine of Mayan Cacao Ceremonialist Apprenticeship.

I feel privileged to be your guide and mentor on this journey.

Working with the medicine of Cacao in a ceremony, we take on a deep shamanic journey. I have developed this training as a very unique modality that has evolved and manifested into the physical world. I bring my personal experience working in Ceremonies and having been apprenticed into working with ancestral Mayan medicines in the Lake Atitlan of Guatemala.  

I have held cacao ceremonies for several years, but an incredible shift happened when I studied in the sacred mayan lands in Guatemala.

There I learned to live in a Mayan way and host true traditional Myan Cacao Ceremonies. I followed the clear guidance that I received in the ceremonies with my teacher ‘Tata Walter’.

The guidance was to create Cacao a ceremonialist training programme, to help more souls spread the message of Cacao love. Many people from all over the world are in need of this medicine and that's why I created an online training programme, to reach all of the beautiful souls who feel the calling to study the ancient Mayan way and become a Sacred Medicine of Cacao Ceremony facilitator.

To become a ceremonialist takes consistent practice and a deep connection, which can take a long period of time. Through my deep connections with Tata Walter and during one of our meetings in Ibiza, I received the message that I had to share my learnings with the world, and so was born the Sacred Medicine MATYOX-MAYAN CACAO CEREMONIALIST APPRENTICESHIP.

With permission from my Teacher Walter to share elements of the lineage I have been initiated into Lake Atitlan, and blessed to carry I am so deeply honoured to share and support others on their Sacred journey to become unique facilitators and Mayan Cacao Ceremonialists.  

You will learn how to create and hold the most expansive and transformative ceremonies and support yourself and others on the healing journey.

You are a Lightworker! Through this training you will learn how to shine your light brighter in a service to your purpose, Pachamama and you will raise the vibration of the planet earth, helping others to awaken. The ancient Plant Medicine of Cacao was used by various cultures through time as a way to connect to spirit and open our hearts so that we can be guided from within.

Through the union of the Cacao spirit and you becoming a Ceremony facilitator, you will bridge the worlds of the underworld, the world, and the overworld. Rooted in Mayan ancient tradition the medicine will enable your unique ceremonies to shine.

This is your new adventure to REMEMBER the path of your soul. It will be a deep and healing journey. Going deep is the only way to unleash your true magic so that you can share it with the world,  with confidence in your authentic ceremony. 

This is an intimate apprenticeship for those who are ready to go deep and feel called to become a ceremonialist. 

Are you ready for the new life of ceremony?

Love Vika xx

​Online training

We start October 12th, 2024

on a day of 1 AJ (Energy of leadership, home)

Registrations for this training is now open!

Apply Here

Apprenticeship Level One - Initiation

The Art of Weaving Shamanic Space

Meet the medicine 

This apprenticeship is a deep dive into yourself through Ancient Mayan lineage and Mayan Cosmovision. This is the essence of a cacao ceremonialist.

We learn Sacred tools and rituals, and receive profound wisdom to help us see beyond the veil, so we are able to truly listen, connect, heal and be guided as to how we can be in best service to our communities.

When we learn the power of Ceremony, we remember that we are masters of living energy. 

By the end of this apprenticeship you will be able to confidently facilitate your own Mayan Cacao Ceremonies and weave this way of facilitation to any healer modality you are working with or will be working in a future.

This programme is foundational to this particular lineage - but it is not basic. The work you will be doing is very deep and will require you to put your energy and commitment into it. It is for students of every level - especially for those who have been facilitating for years and are ready to take their containers to another level filled with ancient Mayan wisdom. It’s perfect for those stepping on Medicine women or Medicine man Path.

Apply Now


One of the things that makes me happiest about this apprenticeship is that I have an opportunity to introduce you to my main teacher of Mayan cosmovision from the sacred Lake Atitlan. 

I spent last summer learning and embodying ancient Mayan medicine of ceremony and cosmovision. I was planning to go to Lake Atitlan at the beginning of 2023 and reconnect with my Mayan family there, when the super strong vision and desire came to me to bring ancient mayan medicine to you my loves.

This also gave me the opportunity to support my family and their communities during this time. It’s so wonderful to give back for all I have received and am now sharing it with you. 

Tata Walter Quiacain is my main teacher. He is a Mayan Spiritual Leader, Ceremonialist, and Mayan Cosmovisionist.

Walter is from one of the Kaqchikel indigenous tribe local at the Sacred Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. Lake Atitlan is one of the most Sacred places in the world. People come to the lake to heal their soul, to connect with native Mayan tribes so they can have deep healing.


Tata Walter was initiated by his ancestors to work with the sacred fire, the 4 elements, and the ancient medicine of cacao. Living his life connected to Mayan Sacred Calendar Cholq'Ij and the 20 sacred energies, Nawales - Walter has developed incredible connection to the three words and became a highly respected Mayan Spiritual leader not only in the Sacred lands of Lake Atitlan but also in Europe.

Walter has been sharing the wisdom of the ancient Mayan medicine within deep dedication, authenticity and love.

Sacred Cacao and ancient traditions rooted deeply in 'Guatemaya' lands will be brought to you from the most loving Medicine man Tata Walter.

For thousands of years during Spanish inavasion the Mayan People were not allowed to share the power of the cosmovision and drink Cacao. The traditions and connection to the medicine were kept, but unfortunately some were lost. Walter strongly believes that now it's the time to share the Sacred teachings with the world from a widely open heart and help to raise the consciousness of Planet Earth.

Tata Walter is an incredible being and teacher. You will have the honour of being in his presence during this potent and powerful apprenticeship. My teacher has offered to share his wisdom because he believes in what I am sharing with you, and trusts that his lineage is being represented in a true and correct way.

He is happy to see how I am weaving the Mayan Kaquchikel traditions with the safe and sacred Medicine of Cacao, to create deeper connection, reverence and respect for Ceremony and Pachamama.


The training is over a 3,5 month journey with live calls and live Ceremonies each week. The first (additional) call will be on

October 12, 2024. Recordings of each call will be accessible if you cannot make the live call.

Aside from the live calls, course modules will be unlocked weekly with potent online teachings, powerful guided processes, written course material in your beautiful Shamanic Wisdom Manual, and much more.


Call 1+ call 2

An introduction and dive deep to Sacred Medicine Cacao and the lineage of the Kaqchikel

Welcome to this sacred journey where we will celebrate new paths, new beginnings  together in a Ceremony! We will learn how to prepare ceremonial grade cacao, create a Mayan altar diving into the main principles of Mayan cosmovision. Tata Walter will join us from Lake Atitlan to share blessings for our journey ahead. 

Trecena of AJ (Home, Armadillo )

October 12 - 24

Call 3+call 4

Inner Work: Transforming the shadow to the light

This is the one of the most important modules when we will go deep into our shadow so we can hold the space with integrity.

You will discover your true purpose and will step into your true path as a lightworker.

Trecena of Kame (The death, transformation)

October 25 - November 6

Call 5+call 6

Exploring the energies of animism: Working on how to become a clear vehicle to serve the ceremony.

What is energetic hygiene, warnings of possesion, ego takeover. We will learn how to speak from the heart, how to be a true channel for the spirits, how to know you are speaking from the heart not from your ego.How to facilitate being in energetic flow, being connected to the energetic body. You will learn the tools, rituals and practices on how to work on your energy and raise the vibration so you can improve all areas of your life. + WOMB HEALING WORKSHOP with Nana Lu. Learning plant medicines to support womb healing.

Trecena of Kawok (Rain, turtle, wisdom)

November 7 - 19

Call 7+call 8

Tata Walter  joins us for Mayan Cosmovision

We learn the most important elements of Ceremony, using the elements of Mayan cosmovision as we begin to understand mayan worlds. 

Working with Mayan cosmovision - The Tree of Life: the underworld, the world, and the overwold we will begin to understand actual Maya meaning. We will start creating from the heart feeling connected to the sacredness.

Trecena of Ee (The path, mountain cat)

November 20 - December 28

Call 9+call 10

Connecting to thirteen energies of the cosmos and the twenty of the nahuales.

This week we tap into the thirteen energies of the cosmos, the twenty powers of the nahuales. We focus on healing and connecting to the 10 first sacred energies bringing us into creation, connection so we can start creating change. Each week we build up the power of our deep prayers so when we ask for magic to happen it happens!

Trecena of Kan (Serpent, wisdom)

December 3 - 15

Call 11+call 12

Embodying the elements and 10 nahuales

We explore each element -  fire, earth, air and water - as they help us to understand and feel the nature of each direction and connection to mayan cosmovision.

We will connect to 10 nahuales Mayan energies.

Trecena of Tijax (Obsidian blade, the toucan)

December 16 - 28

Call 13+call 14

An introduction to Medicine Song - Guest teacher Stephanie Kittell

Experience of unique cacao ceremony to discover deeper connection to your soul through voice and music instruments. We will explore traditional medicine teachings, sacred stories passed by mayan wisdom keepers.

We are blessed to have the most beautiful soul Stephanie joining us. She will share her special Voice activation workshop, working with different practices, and music instruments. She will be teaching us the embodiment of our true voice and the expression of it, in life and in ceremony.

Trecena of Batz(The weaver, monkey) December 29 - January 10

Call 15+call 16

With Vika Didvaliene - Serving from the heart followed by our final Ancient Mayan medicine - Sacred Cacao Ceremony with Tata Walter 

Vika will guide you through authentically aligned with your purpose service sharing with the world.

This trecena we will be diving deep into our vision of service working on it in our mentoring call.

Your initiation into ceremonialist path ceremony will be taking place in January

Trecena of Kat(The web, spider)

January 11 - 23


  • Transformative online teachings
  • Powerful guided processes that will assist your journey both during and after your training.
  • Recordings of LIVE transmissions and Ceremonies. 
  • Additional live Welcome Call to start you going and connecting before the the main opening call.
  • 8 powerful live Sacred Medicine Mayan Cacao Ceremonies. We dive deep into Ceremony every call! 
  • 8 private mentoring calls to support you fully on this life transformation, connecting in a ceremony way!
  • Written course material in our beautiful MATYOX WISDOM MANUAL.
  • Private support and mentorship group for the entire duration of your journey.
  • Powerful tools and rituals rooted in ancient Mayan shamanic traditions to assist you in your work and in your everyday life.
  • Receive the wisdom, blessings and backing of an Ancient Mayan Medicine which gives you access to a whole team of ancestral teachings support you in your service.
  • Live teachings from Lake Atitlan from Tata Walter and surprise guest teacher .
  • Live with surprise guest teacher, song ceremonialist - Learn how to bring Medicine song into your ceremony through the opened hearts.
  • Learn how to overcome blocks and limiting self beliefs that prevent you from sharing your Gifts and Ceremonies with your communities.
  • Learn the tools of Sacred Business - how and where to market and share your Ceremonies to support you in supporting others.
  • Take active part in Ceremony each week, culminating in a Final Collective Sacred Medicine Ceremony!
  • Receive deep healings and guidance for your life and your Sacred Path.
  • Powerful space mentoring techniques to create and facilitate deeply transformative and life changing ceremonies for you and your participants. 
  • Access to the Satkara Temple - Mayan Apprenticeship Level Two, only available to graduates of Sacred Medicine MATYOX - MAYAN CACAO CEREMONIALIST:
    "Weaver of the Ceremony: Becoming Medicine."
  • One more EXTRA Bonus! Mayan Ceremonial belt Faja , waved by Mayan midwife's family to support and hold you in the ceremonies you will be serving.
  • EXTRA GIFT! You will receive the Medicine of Remembrance - 1 pound ceremonial cacao from Sacred Lands of Guatemala when you will join the apprenticeship. We only promise this 100% to the first 5 people as we have limited supply before the course starts.

    I would be honoured to guide you on this journey to find your magic and help you remember how to share it! Vika x


''I've completed my initiation to serve the sacred medicine of Cacao in the Mayan way, I received my belt last week it was an incredible honour. I cannot wait to start sharing these potent ceremonies with you that really have changed my life in so many ways. Lake Atitlan for me next to explore the sacred lands and connect even more deeply to the Mayan cosmovision and people. Life is wild and fast for me at the moment as I'm moved by forces that are greater than I but intend to sharing alot more of what im here to do. Deep bow to my mentor Vika for coming into my life and putting me on the ceremonialist path and being the most beautiful sister, channel and teacher. I appreciate everything you have done. ''

Danielle Fletcher - Holistic therapist, Intuitive energy healer, ceremonialist.

''Thank you for who you are and all you do for our beautiful mama earth.

Forever grateful for you walking along side me as I journey back to remembrance.

Thank you for the energy you put into Mayan Cacao apprenticeship and the container you crafted for us to journey back to the heart.

It has gifted me the ability to see love in all things. The messy and the chaos. In the dark and in the light as the veils and layers of protection built around the heart begin to disappear.

Also the connection to mama cacao, which has only deepened even further since the apprenticeship.

Excited for all the beautiful souls who will be joining the next apprenticeship for the journey they all about to embark on.

Thank you 

I love you''

- Jodie - Birthkeeper, Ceremonialist

''So grateful for this apprenticeship which allowed me to be more open, confident, seeing things in a broader way, live with the open heart. I live in completely different way after completing 'Matyox - Mayan Cacao ceremonialist apprenticeship'. I am so much more connected to the life. "

- Sarah - Yoga Instructor, Ceremonialist




"Matyox - Mayan Cacao Ceremony Course"


See the full details
of the course here

Meet Vika

Spiritual Mentor and Ceremonialist

I am very honoured to share this magical medicine and teachings that I have been so blessed to receive from my teacher and Kaquchikel lineage in Guatemala, woven in with years of wisdom and experience from

walking my own Spiritual path of Awakening.

I feel deeply called to my path in service as Medicine Women, healer and mentor.

I am here in service to the Planet Earth and to you my love.

In deep respect to the lineage, sharing this wisdom, my true desire is to help others in transforming their own lives,

in a way it has transformed my own life and become my passion.


I am Yoga teacher with advanced 500h initiations, Oracle Priestess. Walking spiritual mentor and ceremonialist path.

Trained with a focus in Philosophy, Energetic Anatomy, Ayurveda, Business and Coaching and in working with special populations for individualized support using asana, pranayama, meditation and energetic techniques.

Carrying certification of various modalities in energy healing, metaphysics, lucid dreams, business coaching, and mentoring. Oracle Priestess ‘The Way of the Oracle’ working with Goddess Temple Glastonbury, UK.

Experience studying ancient yoga texts and Asana with Monks in India.

Facilitating retreats and teaching yoga teacher training in Bali.

Founder of an online yoga school and the Temple for Lightworkers.

2022, 2023, 2024 I traveled and lived in San Marcos, Lake Atitlan and Totonecopan in Guatemala, where a deep connection to Mayan culture and spiritual practices transformed my life. Studying with my teacher Mayan wisdom keeper Walter helped me to become a Mayan cacao ceremony facilitator and bring the ancient wisdom to Europe. 

My ceremonies bring Mayan energies and astrology in a unique way, with beautiful experiences, full of the inspiration of love, freedom, growth and expansion. It will help you to connect with your Spirit, Higher Self, Ancestors and all the beings needing to come through in that moment and guide you on your beautiful healing journey. I continue to work and support with Mayan communities in Guatemala and this is what fills my path most.

I offer a combination of ancient practices from different spiritual traditions to guide and empower the ones who feel drawn to my offerings.


Meet Tata Walter

Sharing Mayan Wisdom Teachings

Walter was initiated by his ancestors to work with the sacred fire, the four elements, and the ancient medicine of cacao. Living his life connected to Mayan Sacred Calendar Cholq'Ij and the 20 sacred energies, Nawales - Walter has developed incredible connection to the three words and became highly respected Mayan Spiritual leader not only in the Sacred lands of Lake Atitlan also in Europe.


Walter has been sharing the wisdom of his ancestors with authenticity and unconditional love. He is blessed to carry ancient traditions and share it with the the world. It is a rare opportunity and great honour to have him with us.


Meet Nana Lu

Sharing Mayan Wisdom Teachings-

through connection to womb and plant medicines

Nana Lu is an Aj´q´ij or a Mayan elder. She was born in Mexico however her spiritual lineage is in Guatemala, with Tata Constantino Zapeta. Her Master Degree is in education, and she also has some studies in transpersonal psychology like superhuman by Ken Wilbert, Swamit Goswami and recently she is taking the certification in Neurodinamic Breathwork. Since 2008 has been developing her spiritual path with mayan elders in Mexico city.

Nana Lu is a spiritual guide who has been doing different ceremonies, both individual and group, since 2020 she has been doing many ceremonies around LA, San Diego, Sedona and Mount Shasta. These include Mayan baptisms, Mayan birthdays, womb healings, the 13 year old, and others. She really likes working with women because when you heal a woman, you heal a family.

You can find Nana Lu on instagram @nana_lu_maya


Meet Stephanie Kittell

Sharing women empowerment through their embodiment

Stephanie serves as a guide for women who are standing at the precipice of significant life shifts: ready to empower their voice & embody the wild wisdom within!

For Stephanie, real empowerment began by connecting with her innermost feelings, natural rhythms, and authentic voice!

Her journey has led her to a devotion in helping others Rise & Thrive in a holistic way, developing embodied awareness, and empowered expression in all aspects of their life.


Instagram: @riseandthrive.steph

What's Next?

If you’re feeling a full body YES to step into this Sacred Medicine Matyox - Mayan

Cacao Ceremonialist apprenticeship and your Mastery as a Ceremonialist – then jump in quick and apply as we have finite places and they will fill fast!

Step 1: Submit your payment to secure your spot, then proceed to our Application page.

One payment 

Instead of £1999
*limited time offer*



Bonus gift of 20 MAYAN CACAO CEREMONIES connecting within each of Nahuales (Mayan Energies)

"Matyox - Mayan Cacao Ceremony Course" WORTH £266





Still Have Questions?

F.A.Q below

Who is Vika?

I began my journey with the Medicine of Cacao a few years ago and began serving the medicine in the ceremonies. I have trained with the best Mayan wisdom keeper of Mayan Kaqchikel lineage and was initiated at the Sacred lake Atitlan. After my initiation I began sharing Mayan Ceremony, teaching people from all over the world the ancient Mayan medicine of cacao, cosmovision and ceremony.

I help people from all paths of life to liberate themselves from limiting beliefs keeping them away from joyful life, connected, free, abundant and limitless beings that they came here to be.

My deep connection, love and dedication for Mayan culture and people, shamanic practice led me to weaving the Medicine of Cacao into ‘Matyox-Mayan Cacao Ceremonialist’ Apprenticeship. I am offering training in this modality to spiritual leaders like you, globally with my ‘Matyox-Mayan Cacao Ceremonialist Apprenticeship’’.

My mission is to help those who are ready to step into their Sacred Path of service, weaving medicine of ancient Cacao into the path they walk as Lightworkers and helping to transform many lives along the way.

I feel honored for this opportunity to bring people from all over the world together in Ceremony and make it accessible for all and empower others to share this with their communities also.

Why become a Shamanic/Mayan Cacao ceremonialist?

I have never shared anything that I haven’t embodied. Ceremony is not a performance, you weave your energy into it and pray. You become a ceremony, you connect with the three worlds, you start seeing through the darkness, through the invisible side.

You start to see the signs, read the signals on how to guide others. You know how to control your mind and let your wisdom open the gates to your heart so you can become the channel of Medicine. This is the power of all Shamanic practices.

You do the work, so you can feel the difference in strong Ceremonies which you can channel and when it feels like it’s not yours, it's not authentic to your soul. You can feel the truth, you don’t need to hear it.

I will share the tools and framework for you to find You! To find your Ceremony which lives inside your heart! The tools to confidently facilitate the ceremony on your own in your unique way!

Working with ancient Medicine completely transformed my life, my teachings and showed me the path I need to walk.

Who is the 'Shamanic/Mayan Cacao Ceremonialist Apprenticeship' for?

'Matyox-Mayan Cacao Ceremonialist Apprenticeship' is for everyone!

Lightworkers, circle holders, healers, yogis, yoga teachers, sound healers, holistic therapists, circle holders, conscious coaches, visioners, medicine women or men who have been called to bring their true gifts forward and be the Lightworkers on this Planet Earth.

Mayan Cacao Ceremonies are the Sacred ceremonies weaved with the ancient Mayan cosmovision of the Kachikel lineage from Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. 'Matyox-Mayan Cacao Ceremonialist Apprenticeship’ includes teachings of the ancient Mayan medicine weaved with my wisdom, experience and approved method on how to spread your gifts and live in abundance.

This apprenticeship will be a very deep journey, working with the ancient magic of the elements, the Mayan Spiritual leader and Medicine women - that will take you to a level of a very expansive, transformative path you may have never experienced before.

We will be working specifically with the Medicine of Cacao, this expansive work will support you in sharing Your medicine with the world. In any path you will take.

This work is perfect for those who want to take the fully Ceremonialist path and for those that are already facilitating and holding space of yoga, meditation, reiki, circles, practitioners, or any modality. It will take your Sacred work to another level in both ways: personal transformations and professional expansion.

You will receive an in depth Shamanic Wisdom Manual, which won’t be a script or a book of ‘how’ it will be your key to open your magic through the ancient wisdom and it will have the tools on how to start sharing it with the world. How to walk your unique path of Divinity.I will support you with everything you need to become the Ceremony.

How do I apply to join the Shamanic/Mayan Cacao Ceremonialist Apprenticeship? 

You can apply on the website by clicking the enroll now button and you will be taken to the payment page directly and use the opportunity to receive discounted rate.

Once the payment is received we will send you the application to fill by email. We will send you another email confirming your space.

If I can’t join the live ceremony will I have access to the recording?

No problem. All live calls and ceremonies will be recorded and asked to be watched within 24h if you have missed it. In that way you won’t fall too far behind the training as we move together as a family.

You will have access to the live calls for 4 months and during this time you can download the files onto your computer. The additional content will remain available as a lifetime access.

Our ADDDITIONAL welcome call+mini ceremony will be October 12th the day of 1 AJ(Home, armadillo) to start our journey and provide you with all the access to the course material.

First official ceremony will be on October 19day of 8 Ajpu (The Sun, human). Following dates will be confirmed soon as the date may vary as we follow the Sacred Mayan Calendar and will be listed shortly. Usually we will meet around 6pm Uk Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Time and day of the week might change with having Tata Walter and other guest teacher. If you can’t participate in a live call it’s not a problem - just please allocate the time to do so within 24h so you are still in the same energy of the live session. You will have access to an active community where you will receive mentoring and support on this journey! And build our strong community together.

Will I be able to facilitate a ceremony on completion of this training and will there be a level two?

This Apprenticeship is a level one training. You will receive more than enough tools, practice and knowledge to begin facilitating your own ceremonies in Mayan way by the completion of the training.

Level 2 training will be launched in 2026. This level 1 training already includes many advanced teachings as this is training that lasts a lifetime and that you will take as deep as you desire. Your ceremonies will grow in richness, your unique authenticity and depth in the more ceremonies you serve.

Will you be offering this Apprenticeship again?

The honest answer is I am not sure. I received the guidance to share my energy and the knowledge I gained in Guatemala with you beautiful soul and I am following it.

So if you are feeling it, why wait.., Say yes and join me now. This is the only online training I will be offering online in 2024.

Where can I purchase ceremonial cacao for the apprenticeship?

Satkara Temple will be selling a limited amount of organic ceremonial cacao from Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. Please order your medicine through and we will ship the cacao.

Please note that we can’t be responsible for any orders that don’t arrive. Thank you for understanding.

How do I prepare ceremonial cacao? And what is the recommended ceremonial cacao dose?

We will provide the beautiful cacao brew method and ritual guide specific to this apprenticeship in the 'Matyox Wisdom Manual', so you can brew your own medicine for our daily ceremonies together.

What will the call dates be for this apprenticeship 2023?

Additional Welcome call date October 12 day of 1 AJ(Home, armadillo)

Call - 1 Opening ceremony will be on October 19th the day of 8 Ajpu (Divinity, the sun, human)

All other call dates and times will be available closer to the start date. This apprenticeship is unique in that I share with you ways of working within ancient Mayan shamanic lineage, from my personal experience as a Medicine woman, lightworker.

Calls will be between 1.5h and 2.5 h. Occasionally a call might go for 3h as we will be journeying deeply in Ceremony, connecting with other dimensions where time disappears.

I do my best to keep it succinct but there is a lot of content for us to get through and important embodiment practices as well.

When we are in a ceremony and journeying with the medicine we usually do not notice the time.

You also will have immediate access to the replays so you can watch or listen too in your own time.

There are video teachings of guided practices for your morning meditations and breath work for you to access.

Most of your practice is contemplation. It will naturally begin to weave its way through your life without too much 'thinking.'

All of the live calls are recorded and put into your personal library so you can access the replays straight away if for any reason you can’t make a live.

Part of the reason we do this over 3 months is because the content is so abundant and rich (it could actually be 10 months quite easily!) and also so that you have the chance to embody it and walk it as a part of your daily life.

This is what really helps you become an authentic , humble, graceful and powerful ceremony facilitator.

This apprenticeship gives you a very precious seed that you will continue to nurture and grow really for the rest of your life.

It will be amazing to see what you will receive from this training. Making it their own and weaving it into not only your offerings and work but into your life as a spiritual practice in a way that really serves your personal journey tremendously.

How many hours are required per week?

Our weekly Zoom call will be between 2-3 hours and they are mostly process driven.

We will let you know approximately how long the upcoming call will be and will do our best to keep it within time. Please keep in mind though that this is Ceremony. So it’s possible they will run over. If so and you have to leave the call it’s not a problem.

However - We do ask if you are joining the call that week that you are on from the beginning so as not to disrupt other students or the flow of energy.

There are also online teachings to watch and contemplate that will vary in time each week between 20 minutes to 1 hour each.

There are also some home processes and daily practices.

As with anything you will get out of it what you put in but you can certainly tailor it to your schedule.

So I would say around 6-8 hours a week maximum (including your morning practices) depending on how deep you want to go!!!!

Aside from the call, you will do everything at your own pace. All of the live sessions will be recorded and available the next day (latest) for you to keep and repeat as often as you like, so there is no problem if you miss a session.

It’s strongly advised to keep up with the group even if you can’t make lives as the collective energy will help to make your process much smoother and your learning much easier.