Gateway to your truth

Mini Cacao Ceremony Course

Connect to your true essence, awaken your powers within through Sacred Maya Medicine. 

We begin September 27th ‘Day of 12 Tijax’ & finish September 29 ‘Day 1 Ajpu’

I'm ready!



  • How to connect to your heart - the true essence of your soul and start living in your unique way with a flow of life.
  • How to step into your truth power living in connection with all the beings through Maya cosmovision.


Participating in a ceremony with a sacred cup of cacao will open your heart creating a deep connection to everything that is alive.

''A Mayan legend tells us that whenever there is an imbalance between humans and nature, Cacao comes from the rainforest to open people's hearts and return the planet to a state of harmony''



  • If you want to hear the voice of your soul inside and start cultivating a deeper connection with yourself

  • If you are ready to make this step towards living free and making decisions from your heart

  • If you are ready to explore your own power beyond conventional approaches

​Join Vika for this very special

'Gateway to Your Truth,

Mini Cacao Ceremony Course'
Held in the sacred online space from the Temple of her home.

"I came here to shine my light bright! Studying energy medicine, sound healing, ancient yoga, dreams, shamanic medicine, Mayan Cosmology and way of living in Guatemala, plant medicine, business mentoring and coaching - helped me to be where I am now. Free from sabotaging thoughts, I have a joyful, full filling life with purpose where I can serve through my gifts and create abundance".


I'm ready!

Imagine how you would feel in life if:

You are connected to the energy of creation to the centre of your heart.

There is no imbalance in your life; you are in a total flow with creation.

You know that you are exactly where you have to be and this is the divine moment you have been given in this beautiful life.

You see your truth clearly and feel inspired to share it with the world.


-To open the Gateway to your authentic truth,

through a deep prayer in a ceremony.

Through four days we will be connecting in a ceremony through mama cacao

and energy of the day Maya people live connected everyday till today.

We offer the option for you to order ceremonial Guatemalan cacao. Our Cacao is bought direct from the farmer and lands of Lake Atitlan. Order your medicine on website. Stock available in the USA and UK!

Join us and start your transformation, receive soul activation of your most creative,

empowered and expansive self.

Connecting to your heart in the ceremony, you will be learning how to connect with the energy of the day and what each day's energy representing and means in our lives.

You will:

*Connect deeply to your heart and to your spirit

*Start feeling inspired and will open the portal of the creativity

*Open your heart for love, compassion and self healing

*Start seeing clearly, focus and will start cultivating a relationship with your intuition and deeper knowing

*Receive support from the medicine and guidance from Mayan cosmovision to release any blockages

*Become aware of things that have been keeping you from living the life you love and receive the strength in letting them go

*Will start developing deeper connection to your highest self and your authentic power

*Discover the greatest and most full-filling love you will ever know - Self Love!

Love, Harmony, Clarity


We start with journaling and a workbook overview. When we journal we weave the sacredness in between our soul and universe. You will receive the ‘Gateway to Your Truth, Mini Cacao Ceremony Course’ Workbook to journal your thoughts and connect to the energies of the day in your own unique way.   

Day 1 - Day 3

Each day you will be taken on a completely immersive journey - of heart opening through ancient ceremonial practices, igniting the fire in your heart, calling on to the guidance from the Maya energies and higher beings. 

Connecting to the deeper levels of your soul through an open heart you will transmute the energies of shadow to the light and learn that it is okay to be who you truly are and that you don't need to hide your light.

Ancient sacred ritual of the cacao ceremony will empower you and bring sacredness to your life, open your heart, connect to the spirits and receive the guidance feeling strongly connected to Mother Earth. 

Connecting to Mayan cosmovision and ceremonial rituals will help you to remember what a pure love you are and that you are exactly perfect where you are. 

A New Path is the path you will take on from now on and will start living a life full of love, that will take you into your heart and into your natural nature.

You won't be able to dim your light anymore and you will live in love and deep wisdom within

- Awakened Lightworker


~what to expect~

Day 1 - We will step into Mayan cosmovision introducing ourselves to the energy of the ‘Day 12 Tijax’ (Obsidian blade, prevention) connecting and understanding the energy of the day you will be guided how you can live in a flow with the energy of that day.

What actions you are invited to take on that day and on what you might want to pause with this particular energy. 

Acknowledging the energy of the day and journaling (using the workbook) we will meet in the Facebook Group and on zoom for a live Cacao ceremony where we will invoke the cacao, connect with the energy of '12 Tijax' and share the sacred cup of cacao.


3 powerful live Ceremonies accompanied with the cacao spirit and Mayan energies.

We dive deep into the Ceremony every call!

  • Written course material in our beautiful ‘GATEWAY to Your Truth, Mini Cacao Ceremony Course’ Workbook. 
  • Recordings of LIVE Ceremonies on
  • Learn the tools how to connect to the Mayan Energy of the day. 
  • Take Active part in Ceremony everyday culminating unique ceremonial experience.
  • Opportunity to join Matyox - Mayan Cacao Ceremony Course or Shamanic Ceremonialist training knowing the main tools of Mayan Cosmovision. 




I'm in!


'Thank you Vika for the offering you gave the past 4 days, my intention for the days were to find my fire again, and I gained so much more, I realise more than ever my connection to spirit, I don't need answers from any other human being I just need to connect with my heart in stillness and and ask spirit!

I also remember how sitting with mama cacao can give me all the answers I search for outside of myself.'

Natasha - Energy healer

'Thank you again for the 4 days in ceremony vika.. it's been so profound and the shifts that are occurring is incredible! It was a deep journey with alot of shadows that needed to be brought to the light. The way you hold space and channel messages is so powerful A and I'm interested in the ceremony that you are holding at the end of the month'

- Jodie - Yoga Teacher, Birthkeeper, Ceremonialist

'As soon as we finished the gateway to truth course knew I wanted to go deeper with cacao and learn more about this medicine from you. I'm very excited to join your apprenticeship course.

The gateway to truth ceremonies was a more powerful process than I was expecting! I've had a sore throat and a cold for the last few days - I'm sure a result of all the energy shifting around.

Looking forward to going deeper!

Sarah - Yoga instructor, Ceremonialist

Who is the 'Gateway to Your Truth' Mini Cacao Ceremony Course for? 

'Matyox - The Mayan Cacao Ceremony Mini Course is for everyone! Lightworkers, circle holders, healers, yogis, yoga teachers, sound healers, holistic therapist, circle holders, conscious coaches, visioners, medicine women or men who have been called to learn how to connect to ancient medicine of cacao in mayan ceremony and learn to live with the energy of the day through Maya cosmovision.

Where and when will the 'Gateway to Your Truth' Mini Cacao Ceremony Course be hosted?

The mini course will be hosted live through ‘Gateway to Your Truth' Mini Cacao Ceremony Course at 6pm BST (UK) /1pm EST/10am PST (USA) everyday from September 27th till September 29th.

If I don’t have a Facebook account will I be able to join the 'Gateway to Your Truth' Mini Cacao Ceremony Course?

If you do not have a Facebook account we would recommend creating one for this challenge so you can be connected to the community and learn more about the ceremonies and connect with likeminded lightworkers.

When will I be able to access the Facebook Group?

You will be able to join the Facebook Group 1 day before the mini course. We are so excited to welcome everybody and answer your questions.

When and how will I be able to access zoom link?

You will be sent link to the zoom with your everyday email at 6am Uk time and since it with your google calendar.

If I can’t join the live ceremony will I have access to the recording? 

Yes the recordings will be available on zoom till October 5th. You will be able to have the ceremony on your own time if you miss a live call. 

Do I have to drink the cacao during the ceremony? 

We would recommend drinking the cacao during the ceremony and allow the medicine to do her magic but you don't have to. Mayan people did not have cacao at all times during the ceremony. We will explain the reasons for that during the live ceremony calls.

We offer the option for you to order ceremonial Guatemalan cacao. Our Cacao is bought direct from the farmer. You can place your order here Currently UK and USA only.

Where can I purchase ceremonial cacao for the course?

Satkara Temple are selling a limited amount of handmade organic cacao from Lake Atitlan, Guatemala.

Please note that we can’t be responsible for any orders that don’t arrive. Thank you for understanding. Currently the stock available only in the USA.

How do I prepare ceremonial cacao? And what is the recommended ceremonial cacao dose? 

We will provide the beautiful cacao brew method and ritual guide specific to this challenge in the 'Gateway to Your Truth' Mini Cacao Ceremony Course Workbook, so you can brew your own medicine for our daily ceremonies together. 

How do I apply to join the mini course? 

You can apply on the website by clicking the enroll now button and you will be taken to the application page directly.

What dates will the calls be? How long will the ceremonies be?

We start September 27th at 6pm BST (UK) / 1pm EST/10am PST (USA)

Will be meeting everyday until our last day September 29th 6pm BST/1pm EST/10am PST. 

We will be meeting in a sacred ceremony for 3 days - the times may vary as it is special medicine and she will be guiding us accompanied by the energy of the day. 

Daily ceremonies usually will be 15 to 30 min. I will try to stick to the time but there is a lot of information to take in and some days we might run over. 

You will have instant recordings of the ceremonies if you will miss them during the duration the course. 

Who is Vika? 

For some time now, since I came back from Guatemala I have had requests from people all over the World to 'teach' them about Mayan Cosmovision and medicine of Mama Cacao. 

Until recently I was given clear instructions to share Maya ancient medicine practices with you my love. 

I have been initiated into and blessed to share The Sacred Mayan Medicine elements from Tata Walter and the Medicine itself. I am deeply honoured to share and support others on their Sacred Path of Lightworkers. 

Will you be offering this Course again? 

The honest answer is I am not sure. I received the guidance to share my energy and the knowledge I gained in Guatemala with you beautiful soul and I am following it. 

So if you are feeling it, why wait.., Say yes and join me now. 


I'm ready!